Dozent gesucht für Auftrag - Unternehmensberatung / Business Consulting

Wir suchen Dozenten für diesen und andere Aufträge. Für Auftrag bewerben.

1. Unternehmensberatung / Business Consulting
2. Marktforschung - Allgemein / Grundlagen
3. Marktforschung - International
4. Empirische Sozialforschung
5. Quantitative Sozialforschung
6. Qualitative Sozialforschung
7. Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung

Auftrag Info:
Für unsere wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Masterstudiengänge suche ich eine praxiserfahrene Lehrpersonen.

Im seminaristischen Modul "Research & Consulting" lernen die Studierenden Grundlagen des Consultings kennen und wenden ihr methodisches Wissen und Fachwissen an.

Sie bearbeiten einen Business Case und entwickeln Lösungsvorschläge. Die Lehrperson kann einen eigenen Case einbringen. Auch die Integration externer Partner ist möglich und gewünscht.

Im ersten Teil des Seminars werden theoretische Grundlagen vermitteln. Hier liefert die Lehrperson Input. Im zweiten Teil wird ein konkreter Case bearbeitet. Ein Kickoff, ggf. mit einem externen Partner sowie eine Abschlusspräsentation ist Teil des Seminars.

Unterrichtssprache ist englisch.
Umfang: 12 * 90 Minuten.


In this module, students gather (first hand) professional/management experience by working on real-world business problems and challenges that are common for business consultants. In the theoretical part, they are equipped with all relevant analytical methods and tools. In the project part, students work in teams on a real problem set from a corporate business partner — using different analytical and empirical method-ologies for quantitative and qualitative data collection and evaluation – and receive direct feedback from the lecturer as well as the client in the course of several presen-tation rounds.

The theoretical part of the module has the goal to equip students with the relevant tools and methods as well as an understanding of the overall scientific, empirical and structured approach towards problem sets — in theory and practice. Therefore, this course has two focal points: In the first part of the course, students gain an in-depth understanding of the acquisition, coordination, and management processes of consult-ing projects. They can transfer the methods of project management to the consulting business and balance the trilemma between quality, cost, and time constraints — al-ways having customers’ requirements in mind.

In the project part the task of the students is to apply the methods they studied in the theoretical part during their work on a real consulting project and to develop a cus-tomer-oriented solution. The students will meet the business partner and receive the business challenge to be solved during a kick-off meeting at the beginning of the se-mester. Alternatively, they receive a comprehensive business case that they have to solve. They need to employ different forms of field research (qualitative and quantita-tive) and use methods and tools in a real-world business context. They learn how to approach, structure, and solve new and unknown challenges. During the consulting project, students apply the methodological knowledge they have gained from various lectures and practical experience. They strengthen their social and personal skills and develop an understanding for the consultant role. They know how to talk responsibility in teams, set targets, structure and carry out a consulting project. In addition, they train their problem-solving competency by applying analytical methods and theories in real life.

Seminarart: Universität / Hochschule

geplanter Zeitraum: vom 01.05.2023 bis 30.09.2023

Termindetails: Die Termine sollten Werktags ab 17:00 Uhr und/oder am Wochenende stattfinden.

Honorar: 50,50-61,00 € pro 45 min

Onlineseminar - Adresse mit Auftraggeber klären

Auftrag 122299 vom 28.03.2023.

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